"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Friday, March 28, 2008

It's A.....

This past week has been pretty uneventful. Easter we went out to my father-in-laws for lunch. It was really nice and I was really impressed with him for being such a good host. Then we went to my mom's for dinner. My little bro Hunter was in town for the day which thrilled Caleigh and Zoe since they both absolutely adore him. Little kids are just drawn to him for some reason, I don't really know what it is. There was an incident last summer where he was forever traumatized by a 9 year old at the park. Actually, we were both traumatized, but I think it has had more lasting effects on him. I won't go into the details, but the brutal honesty of children is probably more damaging than anything I can imagine. Anyway, back to this week.... it has been a pretty average week. Nothing special going on. Wait.... did you want to know about the new baby??!! If you haven't guessed by the pink writing... it's a girl. Yes you read it right, girl #3. I thought Cody was either going to fall out right there, throw up or cry. Don't get me wrong, he adores his little girls but he was desperately hoping for a little boy. All he could say was "3 girls! How did I get 3 girls? 3 girls!!" Poor guy! I have to admit I was a little sad too. I love having girls and I'm excited about another one, but this is it. After this one I'm not having any more and it's sad that I'll never get to experience what it's like to have a little boy. Oh well... maybe Kyla will have boys and I can babysit. The bonus is that I already have everything I need and I don't have to change my pretty pink and green nursery. The bad news is that I have something called Previa. It's not really anything to worry about right now. It just means that my placenta is kinda low and sitting on my cervix. I will have to have another sonogram at 28 weeks and if I still have it I will have another one at 36 weeks. If I still have it then they will go ahead and do a c-section. This is ok though because we have already thoroughly discussed the c-section route since there is a strong possibility that she will be another whopper. I have made it crystal clear that I won't go through another labor and delivery like Zoe's. And possibly couldn't anyway. Anyway, I hope everyone is as excited as I am and please pray for Cody. He is going to be living with 4 women!!!! OH.... I gained my first pound... it's all downhill from here!!


Wendy said...

OMG...another girl! Congrats!!! Think of it this way, at least she can't pee in your face. Trust me it isn't fun! I am so happy for you and Cody. Cody will survive or at least find a happy place. Let me know what I can do to help from Montgomery!

KylaB said...

I am so PUMPED! :) I love little girls!!! And..IF Houston and I have boys,of COURSE you can babysit! You will have to teach me what to do anyhow, because I have no clue! :) I can't wait for her to be here! Time to plan a shower! YAY!!!!! Congratulations!!! Oh, and Cody will be just fine! :)