"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Monday, March 17, 2008


I finally had to break down this weekend and go maternity shopping. That's actually pretty good for me though at 18 weeks, since I usually gain 10 pounds immediately after reading the pregnancy test. I still haven't gained any weight (lost 5), but I am definately getting bigger. As of right now, I can still wear my pants if I wear them under my belly but I have a feeling that isn't going to last much longer. Poor Cody is worried about me. He thinks I need to gain a lot of weight or the baby is going to be tiny and unhealthy. He said he likes me HUGE like I was with Zoe... I have a hard time believing that. That's really sweet though!! Just 2 more weeks until we find out!!!

Caleigh left Friday afternoon to go to the beach with Christy and Maddie until Tuesday. I know she is having a great time, but I really miss her. I hate it when she's gone longer than a weekend. I also hate it that she doesn't seem to miss me as much as I miss her. Don't get me wrong, I know she misses me. It's just that she doesn't seem to need mommy as much as she used to. I hate that she's growing up. There should be some way to stop that or at least slow it waaay down. Oh well, what can you do? Zoe has really missed her too. Every time she passes her door she looks at me and says "Caleigh?" as if to ask "is Caleigh just locked up in her room?" I think Zoe loves Caleigh more than anyone else. She literally will kiss Caleigh's butt. Now, if that isn't love I don't know what is!!!

Dad has been in Oklahoma for a week now. He left last Sunday and started work on Monday. His apartment wasn't ready until midweek so he had to stay with a friend. Let's just say he was extremely happy when that apartment was available. I don't think it has been an easy transition thus far. Work is ok, but Oklahoma isn't. From what I hear, it's like the most horrible place on earth. Anyway, Mom is still here and seems to be doing pretty well. Better than I expected anyway. My parents have never been apart in the 31 years they have been married. I don't think she will last too much longer though. I imagine she will probably go out there by the first of next month. Dad is already counting the days until he can come home... only 354 left!!!


Wendy said...

ONLY 5 POUNDS and to the negative????!!! SOOOO not fair! I gained that in one meal with both Kinley and Hilton. Heck, I looked at a peice of cake and boom it was on my butt in a nanosecond.
I know how you feel about missing the kids. Just know that she will be home soon and you will have to deprogram her. Hugs!!!

KylaB said...

I think you are an adorable mom-to-be! :) And, I agree...Zoe does love Caleigh so much! :) That's wonderful!!!!