"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy New Year!

I know it's now the 3rd day of the new year but what can I say, I'm always late. Anywho, we had a pretty low key new year's eve. We were actually invited to two different places but decided just to stay in. I think that means we're old. Oh well. We seem to miss a lot of gatherings these days. Not that we don't want to go, it's just that sometimes we just cannot make it out of the house. So please do not stop inviting us, we will make it eventually.... hopefully.

I did get to see both Sean and Hunter quite a bit over the holidays. Hunter was actually in town today for a funeral but headed back to Birmingham before I got a chance to see him. Sean is here until Sunday so we are trying to spend as much time with him before he leaves since he doesn't come home from Atlanta that often. Zoe has really enjoyed having him here. He's like her new best friend. Even Heidi adores him and that is saying a lot. It usually takes her a while before she decides if she likes someone or not. Zoe, on the other hand, tried to leave with a strange couple at Target. She keeps me on my toes to say the least.

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