"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Friday, October 16, 2009

Heidi Madelyn

Heidi is growing and changing so much these days. I can hardly keep up. At her 1 year check-up she was 21.13 pounds and 31 inches. She is technically a little above average, but she seems so, so tiny. I don't know if it's because she has such a petite frame or because Zoe was so much bigger at that age orrrr because she is so bow-legged. Yes, I know all babies are a little bow-legged, but they usually grow out of it by now. Not Heidi, she is very noticeably bow-legged and if you have ever seen Cody, then you know where she got it from. I'm just praying she grows out of it at least a little bit:)!

Her vocabulary is expanding daily now too. Her newest phrase is "heeeey precious" and it really is precious to hear because her voice gets really high pitched during "hey" and she says precious really fast. I'm hoping to capture it on video, but she would rather play with the camera than be in front of it, so that's getting harder and harder. She does love to entertain though and will do anything for a laugh. Zoe can make her laugh better than anyone. Sometimes I can't even figure out what she could possibly be laughing at.... I guess Zoe is just naturally funny to her. She adores Zoe. She is constantly just walking up to her and hugging or kissing her. And whatever Zoe does, she has to do to. I am so glad that they are so close, and I love watching the two of them grow and play together everyday. Some of the other things Heidi can say:

hey doe - hey Zoe
dottie - doggy
pop pop
baboo - drink (not sure how she came up with that one. it can also mean other things too)
dady - baby
ahht - hot

aaaapu - apple

ep - help

nah nah - no no

nana - banana

hey bwirdie - hey birdie

heeey boogie

She has only said Zoe 2 or 3 times and she hasn't been able to get Caleigh down. I guess that is a little bit harder. She is so funny with Caleigh. She will just sit and look at her with admiration. She doesn't try to play with her like she does Zoe or like Zoe does with Caleigh, but she loves for Caleigh to hold her and take care of her. I guess she thinks of Caleigh as a little mama or something. All of my girls are just so sweet together and I am so very, very blessed.

On the down side, Heidi has recently decided she doesn't want to sleep in her bed. I can't figure this one out. She has always slept in her crib. She went straight from the hospital to her crib in her room and has always loved it. When I would lay her down at night she would just roll over and cuddle her lovie and go right to sleep. Of course, there were nights when she would fuss a little, but it would only be for a few minutes ( with the exception of the nights when she was teething. those were a little harder). For the past few weeks, she would go down fine but then wake up in the middle of the night and absolutely would not go back to sleep. So, we would go in the living room and lay on a boppy and watch sportscenter. Some nights she would just go right back to sleep and others it would take longer, then I would just put her back in the crib. Well, for the past week or so, she has started to get hysterical when we would start heading to her room and would cry for the longest after I layed her down. The past 2 nights I had to rock her to sleep, which I haven't done since she was a little baby. This happens at nap time too. I just can't figure it out. I thought maybe there was a scary shadow in her room so I removed all the animals from the shelves, but that didn't help. I wish I could fix it... I hate for her to be so upset. I just pray that God will calm her little soul so she can sleep soundly again (and me too).

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