"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Thursday, December 30, 2010

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

I have to admit that I am a blog stalker.... I know, it's so sad but I would rather read someone else's blog than update my own.  Something I have to come to realize though is that the ones I love the most are the "perfect" ones.  I can't wait each day to see what kind of "perfect" day or adventure they had the day before.  I am amazed at the charmed life these people seem to lead in that absolutely NOTHING bad or even remotely "not so good" happens in their life.  Everything falls in to place perfectly each and every time.  They don't seem to have bills, sickness, disagreements or even laundry.  They have all the time in the world, they attend every event you can think of (and always with the best seats in the house), they and their children are always dressed to perfection, no crying or fussy babies causing them to be late, no PMS days ever and they all seem to be back in a size 2 within 2 weeks of giving birth. 

I know that isn't really how it is.  I know that they are just omitting all the not so great things and only writing about sunshine and rainbows, but for some reason I still wonder why their life is so perfect and easy and I seem to go through trials and tribulations every single day.  I think the only answer for that is to stop reading these "perfect" blogs.  Stop torturing myself comparing their "perfect" life with my not-so-perfect life. 

In all honesty, I LOVE my life.  The good, the bad and the ugly!!! and that is what you will get here.  I promise not to write only about sunshine and rainbows but also the clouds and unbelievable storms too.  That is real life.  I am reminded of a time last year when I was going through one of my major trials and decided to surf the net.  I literally just stumbled upon a blog that I had never read before and it spoke directly to me.  It wasn't one of those cookie cutter blogs.  This was a real person with a real life and I realized that "hey, I'm not the only person who goes through trials".  I realized that whatever it was I was going through would not kill me.  That I would survive it and come out stronger in the end.  It was like a weight had been lifted and I almost felt giddy.  I still had to ride out the trial but I knew that I wasn't alone. 

 God directed me to her blog that night I think because I was trying to work it out myself and couldn't even hear him anymore.  I couldn't even go to sleep that night. I eventually had to get up and write her and let her know how her words had helped me.  God is amazing, y'all!!  Even when we won't listen to Him He will find a way to get His message to us.... Thank God!!!

So guys, you will not get cookie-cutter here. You WILL get the good, the bad and the ugly.  Hopefully more good than bad though ;)!  And I have to say that I am grateful for my trials because they only increase my faith and it just reminds me that I AM a child of God.


Allison said...

Yeah! I am so glad you are back:) I LOVE how the Lord works things out. I have to share with you something. Two days ago I posted a reply on someone's blog. A stranger contacted me and encouraged me with one of the sweetest emails I have EVER received. She is an angel, I am sure. Because lately I have been struggling with belief. And the Lord took my sin, forgave me and blessed me beyond anything I can even comprehend. He is THAT Good.

His Goodness changes the good, bad and the ugly:)

P.S. that picture of Heidi is hysterical! and so scary about the er trip. But, so thankful she was ok!

Love in Christ,

J said...

That is amazing Allison. And strangely enough that is one of the same things I have been struggling with. It is amazing how God uses His children to help each other and confirm His goodness.