"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Thursday, April 10, 2008

The Longest Night of My Life

Last night Zoe spent the night with my mother-in-law for the first time. Actually, it's the first time she has ever spent the night away from me. I was reluctant to let her go, but I knew I really needed to do it... for both of us. I wanted her to go so that by the time I had the baby in August she wouldn't think I had abandoned her. I decided that I could get a lot of things done that I usually can't do with her around like sew or organize all the baby's clothes. It didn't happen. I basically just moped around. I did get to spend some quality time with Caleigh which was really nice. But even Caleigh said it just wasn't the same without the "little monkey" as she calls her. We played in the water outside, painted her nails and watched a movie. After she went to bed I didn't know what to do with myself. Seriously, I was thinking now what do I do? So... instead of sewing, organizing or cleaning, I just went to bed. I did call my mother-in-law around 8:00 or so to see if Zoe "needed" me to come get her. Unfortunately, she was doing GREAT and having a good time. I called again at 8:00 this morning just to find out that she had a Great night, slept great and really didn't miss me at all. I know I should be glad that she did so well... and I am. And I'm proud that I survived it myself. Maybe now that "we" have it made it past this first time, I can learn to take advantage of the sleepovers in the future. We'll see....

1 comment:

Wendy said...

I know how you feel about the first over-nighter. Trust me it will get easier and you will begin to cherish those over-nighters!