"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Have Been Blessed!!

I have truly been blessed. I don't have any particular reason for writing this today. No major event or "blessing" has occurred recently to inspire this. I just think it is something we all need to stop and reflect on each and every day. I have realized that is is so very easy, too easy, to pay attention to all the bad things that happen to us. We focus on that unexpected bill, or the leak in the laundry room or that tennant that just wont pay their rent on time. Yes, these are all issues that have to be handled, one way or another, but they don't have to determine how we look at the day or life in general. These are not the things that define us and make us who we are. Well... they do some people and those people are usually pretty cranky and unpleasant to be around... who want's that?! I have decided to take time out every single day and count my blessings. I have a wonderful husband who loves me, 2 beautiful little girls that are happy and healthy and a roof over my head. I have another little girl expected to be here in August who so far appears to be thriving in the womb. How lucky am I? So many people don't have these same things that seem so simple, things that we take for granted. My heart truly goes out to those who can't have children or who have trouble keeping a pregnancy or worst of all, lose a child so soon after receiving them. When I think about that, I don't feel like I have a right to even complain about back aches or ligament pain or those painful little jabs to my ribs from that precious little life inside of me. I thank God every day for these pains now. I take a moment to thank God for every tiny little blessing He has given me. And believe it or not, it's really not that hard. In fact, I do this several times a day. It makes a huge difference on how I look at things and how I handle those trying moments that are going to occur no matter what. It helps me to soak in every amazing moment with my children. Moments that are firsts for Zoe and all the intelligent insights Caleigh has already. Cherished moments that I could miss and never get back again if I were worrying over something that I won't even remember at all tomorrow. Cody has a very stressful job with waaaay to many responsibilities and he sometimes brings that home with him. I understand that he needs to vent sometimes, and I let him. But, I have reminded him that if he hangs on to all that stress all the time he may be missing out on something wonderful. We will never get this time back with our children and I believe that I will someday look back on this time as the absolute best time of my life. I won't remember how much money we had ( or didn't have) or the leaky faucet or that pesky tennant. So, remember to count your blessings.... you will feel so much better.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

You are right on the nose! I don't do this enough and I need to. Thanks for pointing out that the little things do matter and we should appreciate each and every moment we have on this Earth.