"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Never Done!!

A mother's work is never done... seriously! I swear I clean my house like 27 hours a day every day and it is still a wreck. How is this possible. Just when I think I have everything clean, I turn around and it looks just like it did when I started. I don't get it. Also, where did that cheerio come from when we haven't even had cheerios in the house for a month. I promise I clean much more often than monthly, though you would never guess it by looking at my house. I had decided to just throw in the towel, give up and just live with it. I thought "well, my house will be clean when my kids are grown". Yea right!! I will still have a husband. And honestly, I don't think he's going to turn into a neat freak (like me) over the next 20 years. In his defense, I will say that he has recently learned how to load the dishwasher and will actually practice his new skill on occasion. Needless to say I am thrilled. Today I decided to actually write down my "to do" list. In my mind it didn't seem to be sooooo long. After 2 pages I decided to stop writing and just continue when I had cleared this one. If that ever happens. I will say that I have already marked off 2 of my 35 items. I got my oil changed in the Jeep and I finally placed my order w/ Strasburg for Caleigh and Zoe's pics in June.

Zoe is growing up soo fast. She adds more and more words to her little vocabulary every single day. Right now she has addagies(allergies), loves to eat wapples (waffles), would like to have a beer (I bet I know where she learned that one), will pretend to burp and say macamay (excuse me), loves doggies,kitties,fishies,pat-a-cake and peek-a-boo. She knows a lot of her body parts, partly because she has boo-boos on most of them. But she knows her eyes (which she likes to poke), her nose (which she has to beep every time), ears,mouth,teeth and tongue, her big belly (she thinks there is a baby in hers too) and she kinda has an obsession with toes (aka piggies)... I don't really know what that's about. Her favorite # is 6 but she has recently started counting from 1 and then stops. That's a start though. Tomorrow she will get to see her uncle Honey(Hunter) when we take Dad to B'ham to fly back to Oklahoma. The plan is to meet Hunter for lunch before Dad's flight. Mom is going to stay in Decatur for now, although she really doesn't want to. I think she was beginning to like it out there. Crazy!!

Caleigh is also growing like a weed. Her legs go up to her neck. Where she got that from I will never know. Well, maybe my grandmother, she's like 5'10" or 5'11". I'm just a runt I guess. Anyway, she is ready for summer and Point Mallard. I just hope I survive it. I went ahead and bought our passes online the other day because I had a coupon for buy 2 get 1 free.... GREAT DEAL!!! She informed me on Monday that she wants to be called Caleigh Blaine now, so we will see how that goes. My only gripe with that is how will she know when she's in trouble now?!! I'm hoping that we will get to have a "girls day" Saturday with lunch and pedicures. Yes, she loves the full spa treatment pedicure just like me. If the other 2 do too, which I'm sure they will, we will definately be broke. What am I talking about... we are going to be broke no matter what with 3 girls. Oh well!

Pregnancy Update

Everything is going really well right now. I am finally starting to feel very pregnant. My old friend heartburn has returned with a vengeance and a new one has appeared this time... varicose veins!! Yuck!! This one I kinda freaked about. First of all, I thought I must've had a deadly blood clot in my leg. I have to say that when the Doc informed me it was just varicose veins I really didn't feel much better. I thought only old ladies had varicose veins. Anyway, I would appreciate it if everyone prayed for them to go away because believe me, you do not want to ever see them. On the upside, Heidi is really becoming active. This is one of my fave things about being pregnant. It's just so amazing to me still!! I go back in 2 weeks for my 28 week check up and I will have another sonogram. This is mainly to check to see if the Placenta Previa has corrected itself or not. I hope that it has, but if not we will deal with it. I was really upset at first about not being able to exercise but I have pretty much come to terms with it and basically have no desire whatsoever to exercise now. It's almost summer. I am going to be swollen up and have cankles anyway so why bother. Besides, I am already complaining about the heat and it's really not even HOT yet. Just 3 more months! Maybe I will have my "to do" list done by then... MAYBE!

Have a GREAT day and God Bless!!!

1 comment:

KylaB said...

I'm so excited about Heidi! :) You are absolutely beautiful pregnant! And,by the way, I think Zoe made Houston love children. :) Now, that's amazing! Glad we got to hang out today! Love you!