"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What we've been up to

We have done so much lately so I will just try to give the short but sweet version. (1) I took Zoe and Heidi to their first story-time at the library - it went much better than expected and we will definately continue. (2) Zoe had her first trip to the dentist - not as well as I expected considering she is OBSESSED with brushing her teeth, there was a kid screaming in the chair next to hers when we went back so that pretty much set the tone. (3) Caleigh had Field Day at school - my friend Jen and I decided to walk with 4 kids, I don't think we will do that next year... Caleigh hated it because everything has been changed and it really didn't look like much fun to me either.(4) We all took a quick trip to the beach - it was wonderful and no there aren't any "beach" pics because I erased them (please don't comment) but there are some cute pics from the hot tub which is where the kids stayed because the pool was too cold. (5) I am signing Zoe up for school in the fall - we are BOTH super excited about this!! (6) Poor Heidi still does not have 1 single tooth, but she can and will eat absolutely anything. (7) Caleigh was supposed to go to Nashville with show choir but it was cancelled due to Swine Flu. (8) Heidi spent the night away from me for the 1st time ever - we both survived! Oh, this is the big one... (9) I went out!! as in out with my friend Samantha without kids or a husband, just girls out on the town!!
I think that pretty much covers it. I feel like I am forgetting a million things and I am really sorry for my pitiful writing skills but nap time is almost over and I just wanted to get all of this down quick. Oh... one last thing, Hunter graduates from Law school Saturday so we will all be heading to B'ham for that and I promise I will try to remember to take pics.

God Bless!!

1 comment:

KylaB said...

I love the pictures! :)