"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path's straight."
Proverbs 3: 5-6

Monday, February 8, 2010

Moment of Truth

I seriously cannot believe that I am doing this! I have been waiting for 18 months now for my baby weight to just fall off and I think it is finally time to face facts. I have never really been one to have willpower so what better way to motivate than a really horrible swimsuit pic out there for everyone to see. I am hoping that it will help me to work harder to reach my goal and quickly replace the pic on the bottom with a much improved one.

The picture on the top was made in 2005. This was the biggest I had ever been aside from being pregnant. I remember being so self-conscious and upset about the few pounds I had gained that year (sidenote: I am 5'3" so a few pounds really does make a big difference). It's so sad because right now I would love to be that size. I have always been extremely critical of myself and feel really foolish now for not just being content. Hopefully I will learn something from this. I have already learned to be careful what you complain about/wish for/say about others... it just may come back on you. I remember the first time I was going to meet Cody's family. It was Thanksgiving and I was having the hardest time finding something to wear because everything I tried on was too big and looked sloppy, for lack of a better word. I remember crying before-hand because I really wanted to look nice and "why did I have to lose weight right then?". Want to take a guess what size I was?? A zero or sometimes a 2!! ZERO!! Well, I don't have to cry about that anymore!

The picture on the bottom was taken in 2007. That was before Heidi, but basically the same size I am now. In fact, I didn't lose my baby weight from Zoe Anna until after I became pregnant with Heidi. I guess I can't really complain considering I never actually tried to do anything about it. I suppose I thought it would just be easy like it was after I had Caleigh. I remember at Caleigh's 2 week check-up I cried while getting ready because I had lost almost all the weight (50 lbs!!) but my boobs were huge and I looked like Dolly Parton in my pre-pregnancy clothes. Again, be careful what you complain about.
I realize now that I'm no spring chicken and my metabolism has changed and I can't eat taco bell everyday and be a size two. And to be honest, I don't really care if I'm a size 2. I just really want to get rid of that dang muffin top and look like I have a normal body again. It really is amazing how things get moved around and redistributed differently after each baby :-)!



Allison said...

Girl. I totally understand. But, I think you look awesome! My muffin top is RIDICULOUS! I can't blame it on my almost 7 year old who weighed 10 pounds. Nope.

I am working really hard to be content with where I am with my weight. When I was in school last semester I lost a lot of weight and I have put on quite a few since Christmas. But, so glad I am not in school anymore:)

P.S. Love the new blog look:) Did you do it yourself?

J said...

Thanks Allison. I still can't believe that I put a picture of myself on here!! And you're right, I can't keep blaming my babies for my weight.

Trying to be content with weight,I think,is one of the hardest things. Just when I start to accept myself and be somewhat content, someone will make a comment (like when is your baby due?!) and that just sends me right back into my weight depression. And good for you for losing the weight..everyone gains a few during Christmas. You look great and you have such a beautiful family!!

As for the blog, I am not that creative. I just use cutest blog on the block for my background and my header was one of the proffesional pics I had made. I don't know how often you come to AL, but the photographer was great and you pay $100 for sitting fee and you get all your pics on a disc w/ the copyright. She will print for you too and her prices are unbelievable.

Wendy said...

What a brave woman you are! I find a way to delete all photos of myself...ALL PHOTOS if I can!Hilton is almost 3 and I am STILL awaiting that dang weight fairy to appear. As soon as she does I will send her your way! Personally I am hoping that committing myself to a 60 mile walk over 3 days will help me get off my bum and get into shape....any shape but round!!! I know that you can do anything that you put your mind to...or you can hook up with me in October and do the walk in Atlanta!!! HEHEHEHE!
BTW...Love the pict. of the girls how beautiful...
love ya,

J said...

Wendy, I don't know if I'm brave or out of my mind. Hopefully whichever it is, I will get motivated to do something. And I might be interested in doing the walk..maybe. I'll read up on it & let you know. Give me a call... I haven't talked to you in forever!

KylaB said...

Jada...seriously, you do look GREAT!! But, I do know how you feel. I feel that way, too. I do know one thing though...we CAN blame it on the babies, but the babies are SO WORTH IT!!! :) I think it's amazing what women go through and still look halfway decent!!! :)You are beautiful!!! :)